Last week we talked about this seed that had been planted -- the seed of the Holy Spirit that would flourish and grow into the Kingdom of God. In the 8:00 service last week I asked the kids, "what do you need for a plant to grow?" They got one of the things pretty quickly -- you need water for a plant to grow. Of course! Seeds need to be given water, not too much and not too little, to grow properly. If we don't water them they wither, if we over water them they wither. And who has the control over how much water they get? Whoever is caring for the plant, the gardener. The good gardener watches the plant, cares for the plant, waters the plant, shelters it if it needs it, plans to have it cared for if they leave. It takes a lot of work to be a good gardener.
At first glance this scripture seems to have very little to do with us. Some of us may know the story, others may not. It's not one we hear a lot and it's really one that's kind of gory and, frankly, makes me uncomfortable. This is what happens: The disciples (The Apostles plus other followers) go back to Jerusalem, and the inner circle of Jesus' followers remain devoted in prayer (remember last week we talked about seeds being planted in them, and it was time for them to discern, to contemplate God's vision and dream for them and for the world without a physical Jesus around, so they do.), they go to Jerusalem and they wait in prayer with one another (the Apostles and some other followers, which included women -- wow!). We find out that the followers of Jesus' way number about one hundred twenty, just larger than the group we had here last Sunday and this Sunday. Judas dies in a pretty gruesome way, and he had betrayed Jesus, so he needed to be replaced.The body of Christ needs a new leader to help the Kingdom grow. There are all these followers and they are lacking one of their leaders. The seed has been planted, but its lost one of its gardeners. The leadership needs to be defined in order for the Kingdom to grow like it needs to. The seed needs a good gardener to nourish it. Actually, the seed needs lots of good gardeners to nourish it.
They needed to replace the one that had left. Their job couldn't be done without strong, gifted, leaders to nourish Jesus' movement. So they do what they have to do in order for the Kingdom of God to grow. They pray together to God (they do this first thing -- before talking, before casting lots -- they pray.) Then they discern. They ask themselves, what does God want? Who does God want for this? Who has the gifts for leadership? Who will care for and nourish God's people, Jesus' movement, the Kingdom of God? Who will this gardener be? They come up with two, Matthias and Justus. They offer these to God and God helps to make it clear which is God's choice through the casting of lots. As the youth and I were talking about casting lots earlier this morning we talked about what it means. It's similar to if you pray that God will show you what you need to see when you open the Bible, then you open it and read. It's trusting that God will use what you have offered to God to clarify what you need to do. The disciples cast lots and discover God's choice for a good gardener who will nourish God's seed.
This isn't such a bad formula for us, is it? Pray. We can do the same things the apostles did in figuring out our place in God's Kingdom. We pray, we listen to God, we think about where we are gifted, we dream about the places our gifts can be used to grow God's Kingdom. We talk about it with other followers of Jesus' way. We offer ourselves up to God and we look for ways that God is making it clear to us how God will use us in nourishing this seed of the Kingdom. (Now remember what the kingdom of God is -- it's where the hungry are fed, the thirsty are given water, the imprisoned are set free, the widows are cared for, the children are welcomed, the sick are healed, the unforgivable are forgiven...) We have to think about, talk about, and offer to God whatever our gifts are. We have to offer to God and wherever we believe we are called to use them in receiving the Kingdom from God, in nourishing the seed that God has planted.
The truth is, not all of us will be like Matthias. Not all of us are gifted in the area of leadership of big movements. But we are all gifted, and we are all called to use those gifts to water the seed of the Kingdom. We are all called to be good gardeners. Remember that passage in 1 Corinthians that talks about the body of Christ...
For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but of many. Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers; then deeds of power, then gifts of healing, forms of assistance, forms of leadership, various kinds of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all possess gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret? But strive for the greater gifts. And I will show you a still more excellent way. - 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 (selected)
The body of Christ needs all its parts to function well, it needs all of us to nourish the seed. The question is, which part are you? Which part am I? Where do we belong in the kingdom? What are our gifts? We are called as good gardeners, to water the seed with the many different gifts God has given us.
Discerning those gifts starts with knowing some of the ways God gifts humans. Do you remember when I told you earlier, that I asked the kids at the 8:00 service what a seed needs to grow? They answered water. But a seed needs some other things too. A seed has to first be rooted before it can grow, so that it can absorb water and so that it stays steady in the ground. In discerning our gifts to grow the seed, we need to realize that the seed of the kingdom of God is firmly rooted in scripture. As we discern our gifts, we look to scripture to think about ways God may be gifting us to work in God's kingdom. Though they are a good place to start, lists in the bible are not exhaustive; there are other ways God can gift us. But they are certainly a place to start in beginning to think about how God gifts us. We begin our discernment with knowing scripture, with roots.
But discernment, figuring out how God gifts us and how we are to use those gifts, doesn't end at scripture and prayer. That's not enough. Discerning our gifts begins with thought and prayer. Then it continues with conversation with each other (like the disciples). Finally, it ends with leadership in using your gifts to nourish the seed of the kingdom of God.
So the seed is rooted in scripture, it is nourished with good gardeners' leadership in areas of their giftedness. but what is missing? There is one other crucial part of a seed's nourishment. What is it? The sun. This we have no control over. That stinks, doesn't it? We can be rooted in scripture, we can nourish with gifted leadership in all areas, but we can't control the sun. There are things about the kingdom of God that we will never have control of. Why? Because no matter how hard we try to keep control over the things we love, the things we care for, the seeds we nourish, other people are involved, other elements are involved, and where others are involved and unknowns are thrown in the mix, we don't ever have total control. We don't get to have total control. Thank God for that! I don't want ALL of that responsibility, do you? But the seed needs the sun too. The seed needs what only God can provide. We've got to ask God to be in all we do because things of God flourish, but things only of people wither and die. The seed of the kingdom of God needs to be rooted, yes, needs to be watered, yes, but it also needs what we can't give it -- the sun.
So where does that leave us today? What's your take-away? It's time for us to start seriously considering what our gifts are and where and how we can use them in leadership, nourishing the seed that God has planted by leading with the gifts that God has given us. That starts with learning scripture, prayer with one another, and discussing with other followers. Where can your gifts be used? Are you called to create a new ministry? Are you called to Hope House? Are you called to the hospitality team who provides for us on Sunday mornings? Are you called to set up communion once a month? Are you called to teach your small group? Are you called to create a small group? Are you called to pray for the church? Are you called to reach out to those who aren't here? Are you called to sing with those at Stonebridge? Are you called to visit shut-ins? There are many places for God's gifts to us to be used. Where are you being called to use your gifts? Where are you being called to serve? How are you being called to nourish God's kingdom? We are all called to serve, we have all been gifted, we are all called to nurture God's kingdom. What does that look like for you? The seed of God's kingdom has been planted in us and in the world. We must do what we can to nourish it, knowing scripture, being in prayer, being in conversation with other followers, leading where we are gifted, knowing that God does God's part, but not always knowing what the outcome will be because other people are involved and God is involved. But we do our part, the part to which God calls us and for which God gifts us.
The seed of the kingdom of God needs lots of good gardeners who can nourish the seed of the kingdom in different ways. Will you be a good gardener? Will you lead in service? Remember that the kingdom of God is like a mustard seed -- starts of teeny tiny but eventually flourishes into a great bush that shelters all who live in it. It starts as a Seed. It puts down roots, the sun provides food the gardener provides water. And it grows. It grows so much that as it was nurtured, it nurtures those who come to be with it just by being what it is. Will you be a good gardener? Nourishing God's seed begins with God, but it continues with us.
In the name of the Three-In-One,
Scriptures for further reflection:
Romans 12:4-8
1 Cor 12:4-11
Ephesians 4:11-13
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